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ADHD visit use case

Flux de travail CHADIS

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ADHD visit use case pre-visit questionnaires
ADHD questionnaire results

Used by: Pediatricians, DBPs, Family Practice, Internal Medicine, & Behavioral Health

Respondent fills out CHADIS questionnaires.

(Self, parent/caregiver, invited teacher)

Results are scored and delivered in real time.

Optional CHADIS ADHD Clinical Support

Graphic shared decision making with family illustrating response to meds over  time at home and in school with easy to understand – “green is good and red is bad.”  Alternative graphics created by Conners 4.

ADHD Vanderbilt results Graphic
Conners 4 Scale questionnaire graphics

Patient-Specific Template (PST) suggests tailored, research-supported goals for clinicians to review with parents. Parents are sent specific suggestions for how to accomplish the chosen goals. Selected goals are also listed in subsequent PSTs, so clinicians are reminded to follow-up on progress.

ADHD smart Patient-Specific Template creates:

  • editable note

  • creates patient-specific handouts/resources related to pre-visit goals for care, and other pre-visit issues detected such as sleep or medication 

  • helps family create automated 504 plan

  • medication and other decision support guidance

  • option for MOC-4 credit  

504 plan and IEP Letter generation

Generates 504 Plan and IEP Letters

Over 40 ADHD-specific tools to choose from.

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