100s of Questionnaires & Assessments
Automated for delivery, scored in real-time, results include interpretive text for CPT billing. No more limited pass/fail scoring.
Get Time Back at the End of the Day with CHADIS Automations!
CHADIS offers multilingual assessments, access to services through an easy-to-use referral module, and reports to assist with the interpretation of patient data.
triggered pre-visit with scored & flagged results for your attention.
separate confidential teen input & private teen education & resources
teacher & other caregiver input by invitation
supports telehealth with remote online pre-visit data & post-visit education
EHR and patient portal integrations for access without login
“refer button” option for positive screen to connect with local agency/professional

100s of Child and Adult Questionnaires - Tools for the Whole Family - in Many Languages
Social Determinants of Health
EPSDT Questionnaires
Private portal for teens
Visit Priorities or Chief Concern
General Health Questionnaires
Behavioral Health Questionnaires
Developmental and Autism Questionnaires
Child and adult questionnaires in various languages
Custom questionnaires
Example: Asthma Action Plan
Provider Can Offer Patient Education /Electronic Handouts
"Developmental prescriptions” created based on the
child’s milestones -
Tailored safety guidance
Anxiety-related resources
CHADIS Care Portal can provide personalized
treatment plans (e.g. Asthma Action Plan; ADHD
goal-related messages) that can be updated remotely
by the clinician and searched for by patients/parents.

Care Coordination – Facilitates Secure
Communication Across Settings & Professionals
Providers send and receive referrals via email and share CHADIS reports, comments, status-of-service updates, and graphical co-monitoring of some outcomes.
The online consent form documents the patient’s consent to share information and be contacted by the receiving provider.
CHADIS provides a referral dashboard and automatically notifies providers of changes to ongoing referrals.
Referral reminders to increase engagement and satisfaction questionnaires to help rate the efficacy of referral sites.
Example: Automated Interrupted
Time Series Run Charts
Use Collected Patient Generated-data for
Population Data Collections & Reporting
Saves Time, Reduces Documentation Burden, and simplifies Reporting
ABMS approved MOC-4 credits, without chart review
Quality monitoring reports to support QI
Registries to support population health initiatives
Supports standards for compliance programs