Compatible Products
Altera TouchWorks® EHR
Veradigm Professional EHR™
Pre-visit questionnaire data is automatically scored,
tabulated and entered directly into Allscripts TouchWorks.
TouchWorks facilitates automated billing. Upon completion of a questionnaire, the billing code is automatically entered into the bill.
Facilitates clinical quality measures and
standards compliance with less work.
Eliminates the need for multiple systems, saving time!
TouchWorks' ImageLink for one-click access to CHADIS.
Hundreds of questionnaires directly through TouchWorks.
CPT codes for CHADIS questionnaires automatically entered.
Automated questionnaire assignments.
Automated emails sent from CHADIS to respondent.
CHADIS automatically sends results to TouchWorks.
Decision support tools.
“We have been using CHADIS for 5 years. The recent interface between Allscripts Pro and CHADIS has had a positive impact on our clinic, for the questionnaires that are supported. Prior to the interface, almost 100% of our questionnaires were completed in the office. Now we are seeing an increasing percentage of questionnaires being completed at home. We find it is fairly seamless now. [This is a] significant savings of work and time…”
Grace Stout, Practice Manager
The Children's Clinic, Anchorage, AK
"My short time experience with CHADIS integrated has been great! It’s a product that actually does what it says it will do! I am really liking this product! The discrete data elements and the ease of use have made the transition rather painless. I look forward to working with CHADIS to expand their product line beyond Pediatrics. I know some adult practices that would love to have adult forms like this come in directly!"
Becky Senesac, CPC, EFPM, EHR Service Manager
Primary Care Health Partners, Williston, VT
“Using CHADIS as an integrated solution with Allscripts has provided us the capability to more consistently and effectively reach our patients with questionnaires prior to arriving for their well-child visits. Additionally, the direct insertion of completed questionnaires to the electronic medical record allows our clinical staff to focus on the scores and responses, instead of worrying about how to access the information.”
Christopher Duskin, Fmr. Senior Application Specialist
Hutchinson Clinic, Hutchinson, KS