June 2022
O’Connell M, Plumb J, Howard B, Sturner R, Shrier LA, Harris SK. Trends in substance use screening results before and during the COVID-19 pandemic among youth in pediatric primary care. Poster presented at: Dr. M. Judah Folkman Research Day; Boston Children's Hospital; Jun 1, 2022; Virtual (Boston, MA).
April 2022
O’Connell M, Plumb J, Howard B, Sturner R, Shrier LA, Harris SK. Trends in substance use screening results before and during the COVID-19 pandemic among youth in pediatric primary care. Poster presented at: Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) Meeting; Apr 21-25, 2022; Denver, CO.
January 2022
Holcomb, Juliana M.; Dutta, Anamika; Bergmann, Paul; Riobueno-Naylor, Alexa; Haile, Haregnesh; Benheim, Talia S.; Sturner, Raymond; Howard, Barbara; Jellinek, Michael; Murphy, J. Michael, Suicidal Ideation in Adolescents: Understanding Results from Screening with the PHQ-9M and the PSC-17P. https://journals.lww.com/jrnldbp/toc/publishahead Video: http://journals.lww.com/jrnldbp/Pages/videogallery.aspx
Sturner, R., Howard, B., Bergmann, P. et al. Autism screening at 18 months of age: a comparison of the Q-CHAT-10 and M-CHAT screeners. Molecular Autism 13, 2 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13229-021-00480-4
November 2021
Delgado-Martinez R, Barry MF, Porras-Javier L, Thompson LR, Howard BJ, Sturner R, Halterman JS, Szilagyi PG, Okelo SO, Dudovitz RN. What Parents Want Doctors to Know: Responses to an Open-Ended Item on an Asthma Questionnaire. Acad Pediatr. 2021 Nov 17:S1876-2859(21)00543-X. doi: 10.1016/j.acap.2021.11.007.
October 2021
Raymond Sturner, Barbara Howard, MD, Beth Wildman, Nathan Suberi Dawn Lewis, PA, MPH, Kerry Bet, MPH, Yidan Cao, Parent report of Forward-Actionable Positive Childhood Experiences (FA-PCE) improves the clinical utility of the standard ACE presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, virtual, October 2021
Barbara Howard, Raymond Sturner, Beth Wildman, Nathan Suberi Dawn Lewis, PA, MPH, Kerry Bet, MPH, Yidan Cao, Parent report of Forward-Actionable Positive Childhood Experiences (FA-PCE) improves the clinical utility of the standard ACE presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics, virtual, October 2021
Raymond Sturner, Barbara Howard, MD, Beth Wildman, Nathan Suberi Dawn Lewis, PA, MPH, Kerry Bet, MPH, Yidan Cao, Parent report of Forward-Actionable Positive Childhood Experiences (FA-PCE) improves the clinical utility of the standard ACE presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, virtual, October 2021
Total Child Health, Inc., also known as CHADIS, has formally changed its name to CHADIS, Inc.
CHADIS was created as a product that provided pre-visit access to forms and questionnaires for parent completion with the intent
to provide the best possible care for the patient and a better paperless workflow for the practice. CHADIS was so successful in the pediatric space, the decision was made to extend the access of questionnaires to cover all ages and many practice types including behavioral health. CHADIS now has hundreds of questionnaires and the name of the company needed to reflect that CHADIS is more than a pediatric product.
September 2021
The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) has awarded CHADIS a grant for the Validation of the Online Toddler Autism and Development Adaptive Screener (TADAS) at 18 months
The American Academy of Pediatrics has mandated identification of autism beginning at the routine 18-month visit, based on evidence that early intervention for children with autism improves outcomes, but there are concerns about the accuracy of currently available screening tools at that age.
This project builds on data from a previous grant showing that using machine learning algorithms individualizing presentation of items to screen for autism and developmental delay (called TADAS) dramatically improved accuracy of screening with lesser parent burden and benefits to office workflow.
The proposed study is required to bring this promising tool to clinical use by programming it into our online clinical process support system (CHADIS) and then completing validation in a new community sample of toddlers weighted to be representative of the U.S. population.
If you are a practice interested in participating please contact dlewis@chadis.com.
June 2021
Jellinek, M., Bergmann, P., Holcomb, J., Riobueno-Naylor, A., Dutta, A., Haile, H., Sturner, R., Howard, B., Murphy, J.M. Recognizing Adolescent Depression with Parent- and Youth-Report Screens in Pediatric Primary Care. The Journal of Pediatrics, June 2021
March 2021
Maryland Community Health Resources Commission Grant “Addressing the Health & Social Needs of Vulnerable Populations”
Stone Run Family Medicine (Cecil & Surrounding Counties of Maryland). The program will support the implementation of the "Open Table" concept through two clinic practices, Stone Run and Clinica (a charitable clinic that specializes in serving Spanish-speaking residents with financial and language barriers). Open Table is a non-profit training organization that specializes in developing and directing the "social and relational assets of community-based volunteers to support vulnerable families and residents with complex needs." The program goal is to leverage community and social and relational networks to provide the support that transcends traditional safety net programs and uses a clinical process support system (CHADIS) to identify Social Determinants of Health and communicate with the Open Table group as well as other local professional and agency resources.
May 2020
Nancy Meeder was promoted to Vice President of Sales for CHADIS (Total Child Health) after doubling sales in the first quarter in spite of the COVID-19 pandemic.
See thought leader and DBP Dr. Barbara Howard with PCC's Chip Hart discussing Leveraging Patient Input During the Pandemic
March 2020
See this excellent guide from CNN: Keeping your child safe and reassured as coronavirus spreads
January 2020
Holcomb, J. M., Riobueno-Naylor, A., Bergmann, P., Haile, H., Sturner, R., Howard, B., Jellnek, M., Murphy, M. J., Identifying adolescents with depression, suicidal ideation, and overall psychosocial problems in outpatient pediatric practice using the PHQ-9 and the PSC-17P. Harvard Psychiatry Research Day. Jan., 2020.
September 2019
Sturner, R. Using Data to Improve Clinical Decisions, Processes, Operations and Patient Care. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Board of Medical Specialties, Sept. 2019, Chicago, IL.
Sturner, R., Bergman, P., Howard, B., Bet, K., Stewart, L. Attar, S., A Toddler Adaptive Development and Autism Screen (TADAS) efficiently improves Identification at the 18-month Visit. Presented at the Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, Sept. 2019, Washington, DC.
Two NIMH/NIDA Grants Awarded:
Online System for Identifying and Addressing Teen Depression in Primary Care
Online System for Primary Care to Prevent and Address Teen Substance Use
New Toddler Algorithmic Development and Autism Screen (TADAS) Using Machine Learning at 18 Months
Sneak Preview - Bottom line. We are definitively showing that M-CHAT is limited at 18 months and we have two approaches that are better. One simple and somewhat better. The other is complicated for the computer to do but simple for parents and doctors and considerably better for autism and development.
Attar, S., Sturner, R., Howard, B, Bergmann, P., Stewart, L., Bet, K., Baron-Cohen, S., Allison, C., Dimensional Scoring of Parent Report Screens for autism improves Accuracy at the 18-month Visit presented at the International Society for Autism Research, Montreal, CA., May, 2019
Sturner, R., Howard, B. J., Stewart, L., Attar, S., Bergmann, P, and Bet, K., Utility of the M-CHAT-R for identifying Autism and/or Developmental Disorder in a Representative Community Sample at the 18-month Pediatric Visit. Presented at the International Society for Autism Research, Montreal, CA., May 2019
Bergmann, P., Sturner, R., Howard, B., Stewart, L. Attar, S., and Bet, K. A Computer Administered Autism and Developmental Disorder Screening Test (CAADST) efficiently improves Identification at the 18-month Pediatric Visit. Presented at the International Society for Autism Research, Montreal, CA., May 2019
Sturner, R., Bergmann, P. E., Howard, B. J., Stewart, L., Attar, S., and Bet, K., Computer Administered Autism and Developmental Screen for Toddlers (CAADST) efficiently improves Identification at the 18-mo Visit, Presented at the Pediatric Academic Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, April, 2019
Sturner, R., Howard, B. J., Bet, K., L. Stewart, L., Attar, S. and Bergmann, P., Limitations of the M-CHAT-R in identifying Autism and/or Developmental Disorder at the 18-month Pediatric Visit Presented at the Pediatric Academic Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD,
April 2019
March 25, 2019 - CHADIS CTO, Christopher Schultz spoke at the Apache RoadShow DC at George Mason University. Chris addressed "Locking-Down Apache Tomcat" which covers practical security for the Tomcat Java Web Application Server.
CHADIS named Top 9 Apps of 2018 by Allscripts
We have now become a certified American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) MOC Portfolio sponsor which means we are able to provide MOC-4 for psychiatrists, family medicine doctors, physician assistants, Internal Medicine doctors as well as pediatricians.
Howard, B., Sturner, R. A., Vullo, G., Bergmann, P., Okelo, S. Using an Online Clinical Process Support System for Asthma Care: Fewer Exacerbations and Visits Pediatric Academic Societies, May 2018.
Join a project addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Social Determinants of Health
CHADIS is recruiting practices for an exciting project aimed at preventing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in children, including child maltreatment, by addressing social determinants of health and parent ACEs.
The project is a multi-year NIH-funded research intervention effort that includes the use of a family stress questionnaire (Safe Environment for Every Kid), an advanced decision support tool, and new referral-facilitation software in CHADIS.
You will earn 25 Part 4 MOC credits at no charge, get free tablets for your waiting room, and receive other practice level benefits (e.g. improving documentation for the medical home, Community Health Needs Assessments, your QI efforts, and negotiated billing rates) and learn a very practical and efficient way to motivate parents.
Please contact gvullo@chadis.com. We will give you more information about the project and ask a few follow-up questions to determine your eligibility.
For more information about the project: http://www.chadis.com/site/content/family-stress-grant-summary-child-abuse-and-neglect