CHADIS Research and Development
CHADIS has been developed with the assistance of grant funding from a number of agencies and sponsors. Drs. Sturner and Howard have acted as principal investigators with the assistance of the CHADIS research staff and many other professional collaborators.
These grants include support from the following granting agencies: The Abell Foundation, the Wilson Foundation, the Commonwealth Fund, The Erickson Foundation, The Cisco Foundation, The State of Maryland, and the Maternal Child Health Bureau and the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
In addition, thirteen SBIR (Small Business Innovative Research) awards were given for purposes of CHADIS research and development through Total Child Health, including seven from the National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH) and two from the National Institute of Child Health and Development (NICHD), two from the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), one from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), and one from the Center for Disease Control (CDC).
In addition, we have completed subcontracts aimed at developing modules for CHADIS as co-investigators with support from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Agency (SAMSHA).
Current Grant Projects:
TADAS Study - https://www.site.chadis.com/toddler-autism-and-development-adaptive-screener
Teen Depression Study – https://www.site.chadis.com/teen-depression-study-summary
Teen Substance Use Study – https://www.site.chadis.com/teen-substance-use-summary
September 2022
Phase II has been funded.
The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) has awarded CHADIS a grant for the Validation of the Online Toddler Autism and Development Adaptive Screener (TADAS) at 18 months.
September 2021
The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) has awarded CHADIS a grant for the Validation of the Online Toddler Autism and Development Adaptive Screener (TADAS) at 18 months
The American Academy of Pediatrics has mandated identification of autism beginning at the routine 18-month visit, based on evidence that early intervention for children with autism improves outcomes, but there are concerns about the accuracy of currently available screening tools at that age.
This project builds on data from a previous grant showing that using machine learning algorithms individualizing presentation of items to screen for autism and developmental delay (called TADAS) dramatically improved accuracy of screening with lesser parent burden and benefits to office workflow.
The proposed study is required to bring this promising tool to clinical use by programming it into our online clinical process support system (CHADIS) and then completing validation in a new community sample of toddlers weighted to be representative of the U.S. population.
If you are a practice interested in participating please contact dkennedy@chadis.com.
Publications and Presentations:
June 2022
O’Connell M, Plumb J, Howard B, Sturner R, Shrier LA, Harris SK. Trends in substance use screening results before and during the COVID-19 pandemic among youth in pediatric primary care. Poster presented at: Dr. M. Judah Folkman Research Day; Boston Children's Hospital; Jun 1, 2022; Virtual (Boston, MA).
May 2022
Sturner R, Bergmann P, Howard B, Bet K, Stewart-Artz L, Attar S. Do Autism-Specific and General Developmental Screens Have Complementary Clinical Value? J Autism Dev Disord. 2023 Aug;53(8):3065-3076. doi: 10.1007/s10803-022-05541-y. Epub 2022 May 17. PMID: 35579791; PMCID: PMC10214166.
April 2022
O’Connell M, Plumb J, Howard B, Sturner R, Shrier LA, Harris SK. Trends in substance use screening results before and during the COVID-19 pandemic among youth in pediatric primary care. Poster presented at: Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) Meeting; Apr 21-25, 2022; Denver, CO.
January 2022
Holcomb, Juliana M.; Dutta, Anamika; Bergmann, Paul; Riobueno-Naylor, Alexa; Haile, Haregnesh; Benheim, Talia S.; Sturner, Raymond; Howard, Barbara; Jellinek, Michael; Murphy, J. Michael, Suicidal Ideation in Adolescents: Understanding Results from Screening with the PHQ-9M and the PSC-17P. https://journals.lww.com/jrnldbp/toc/publishahead Video: http://journals.lww.com/jrnldbp/Pages/videogallery.aspx
Sturner, R., Howard, B., Bergmann, P. et al. Autism screening at 18 months of age: a comparison of the Q-CHAT-10 and M-CHAT screeners. Molecular Autism 13, 2 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13229-021-00480-4
November 2021
Delgado-Martinez R, Barry MF, Porras-Javier L, Thompson LR, Howard BJ, Sturner R, Halterman JS, Szilagyi PG, Okelo SO, Dudovitz RN. What Parents Want Doctors to Know: Responses to an Open-Ended Item on an Asthma Questionnaire. Acad Pediatr. 2021 Nov 17:S1876-2859(21)00543-X. doi: 10.1016/j.acap.2021.11.007.
October 2021
Raymond Sturner, Barbara Howard, MD, Beth Wildman, Nathan Suberi Dawn Lewis, PA, MPH, Kerry Bet, MPH, Yidan Cao, Parent report of Forward-Actionable Positive Childhood Experiences (FA-PCE) improves the clinical utility of the standard ACE presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, virtual, October 2021
Barbara Howard, Raymond Sturner, Beth Wildman, Nathan Suberi Dawn Lewis, PA, MPH, Kerry Bet, MPH, Yidan Cao, Parent report of Forward-Actionable Positive Childhood Experiences (FA-PCE) improves the clinical utility of the standard ACE presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics, virtual, October 2021
Raymond Sturner, Barbara Howard, MD, Beth Wildman, Nathan Suberi Dawn Lewis, PA, MPH, Kerry Bet, MPH, Yidan Cao, Parent report of Forward-Actionable Positive Childhood Experiences (FA-PCE) improves the clinical utility of the standard ACE presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, virtual, October 2021
June 2021
Jellinek, M., Bergmann, P., Holcomb, J., Riobueno-Naylor, A., Dutta, A., Haile, H., Sturner, R., Howard, B., Murphy, J.M. Recognizing Adolescent Depression with Parent- and Youth-Report Screens in Pediatric Primary Care. The Journal of Pediatrics, June 2021
May 2021
AudioDigest Psychiatry Vol 50 Issue 09
Diagnosis and Management of Childhood Anxiety
Citation: Howard, B.: Diagnosis and Management of Childhood Anxiety. AudioDigest Psychiatry 50:09 (May 7) 2021
Barry, F., Thompson, L. R., Howard, B. J., Sturner, R., Halterman, J., Szilagyi, P. G., Okelo, S. Interpreting asthma control score changes in primary care and pulmonary settings. Presented at the Pediatric Academic Society Meeting., May 2021.
Cao, Y., Sturner, R., Howard, B., Harris, S., Vullo, G., Wamboldt, M.Z., Shrier, L., Bet, K., Lewis, D., O'Connell, M. (2021, April 30-May 4). Shifting Youth Well Visits from “What’s the Matter with You” to “What Matters to You” using Strengths, Goals, and Values [Poster presentation]. PAS 2021 Conference, Virtual.
February 2021
Jellinek, M., Bergmann, P., Holcomb, J., Riobueno-Naylor, A., Dutta, A., Haile, H., Sturner, R., Howard, B., Murphy, J.M. Recognizing Adolescent Depression with Parent- and Youth-Report Screens in Pediatric Primary Care. The Journal of Pediatrics Published online February 02, 2021
May 2020
Dutta, M., Howard, B., Sturner, R., Stewart, L., Vullo, G., Bergmann, P. A Quality Improvement-Based Approach to Increasing Recommended Developmental Screenings in Pediatric Primary Care Settings. Accepted Abstract at 2020 APA Conference: Advancing Quality Improvement Science for Children’s Health Care. (Conference Cancelled)
November 2019
Howard, B., Sturner, R., Vullo, G., Bergmann, P. Better Asthma Control and Fewer Visits Using an Online Clinical Process Support System. Presented at the High Value Practice Academic Alliance, Nov. 2019, Baltimore, MD.
September 2019
Sturner, R. Using Data to Improve Clinical Decisions, Processes, Operations and Patient Care. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Board of Medical Specialties, Sept. 2019, Chicago, IL.
Sturner, R., Bergman, P., Howard, B., Bet, K., Stewart, L. Attar, S., A Toddler Adaptive Development and Autism Screen (TADAS) efficiently improves Identification at the 18-month Visit. Presented at the Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, Sept. 2019, Washington, DC.
May 2019
Attar, S., Sturner, R., Howard, B, Bergmann, P., Stewart, L., Bet, K., Baron-Cohen, S., Allison, C., Dimensional Scoring of Parent Report Screens for autism improves Accuracy at the 18-month Visit. Presented at the International Society for Autism Research, Montreal, CA., May 2019
Sturner, R., Howard, B. J., Stewart, L., Attar, S., Bergmann, P, and Bet, K., Utility of the M-CHAT-R for identifying Autism and/or Developmental Disorder in a Representative Community Sample at the 18-month Pediatric Visit. Presented at the International Society for Autism Research, Montreal, CA., May 2019
Bergmann, P., Sturner, R., Howard, B., Stewart, L. Attar, S., and Bet, K. A Computer Administered Autism and Developmental Disorder Screening Test (CAADST) efficiently improves Identification at the 18-month Pediatric Visit. Presented at the International Society for Autism Research, Montreal, CA., May 2019
April 2019
Sturner, R., Bergmann, P. E., Howard, B. J., Stewart, L., Attar, S., and Bet, K., Computer Administered Autism and Developmental Screen for Toddlers (CAADST) efficiently improves Identification at the 18-mo Visit. Presented at the Pediatric Academic Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, April 2019
Sturner, R., Howard, B. J., Bet, K., L. Stewart, L., Attar, S. and Bergmann, P., Limitations of the M-CHAT-R in identifying Autism and/or Developmental Disorder at the 18-month Pediatric Visit. Presented at the Pediatric Academic Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD,
April 2019
September 2018
Howard, B.H., Sturner, R.A., Vullo, G.C., Bergmann, P., Okelo, S.
Using an Online Clinical Process Support System for Quality Improvement and MOC-4: Impact on Asthma Outcomes - Fewer Exacerbations and Visits
American Board of Medical Specialties.
May 2018
Howard, B., Sturner, R. A., Vullo, G., Bergmann, P., Okelo, S. Using an Online Clinical Process Support System for Asthma Care: Fewer Exacerbations and Visits Pediatric Academic Societies, May 2018.
Monnin, K., Wildman, B., Howard, B., Sturner, R., Vullo, G., Langkamp, D.
Relationship Between Parent Satisfaction with Their Child’s Physician, and Parent Reports on Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) Measure Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, April 2018
October 2017
Howard BJ and Sturner R. Use of an Online Clinical Process Support as an Aid to Identification and Management of Developmental and Mental Health Problems. Curr Dev Disord Rep. Published online 27 October 2017.
September 2017
Study featured in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Accurate Autism Screening at the 18-Month Well-Child Visit Requires Different Strategies than at 24 Months
Raymond Sturner · Barbara Howard · Paul Bergmann · Tanya Morrel · Rebecca Landa · Kejuana Walton · Danielle Marks
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, () 1-15; DOI: 10.1007/s10803-017-3231-0
Presented at the Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, Cleveland, OH, Dimensional Parent Report Measures Improve Autism Identification at the 18 Month VisitSturner, R., Howard, B.Bergmann, P., William, R., Stewart, L., Bets, K.September, 2017
July 2017
Study featured in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Comparison of Autism Screening in Younger and Older Toddlers
Raymond Sturner, Barbara Howard, Paul Bergmann, Lydia Stewart, Talin E. Afarian
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, (), 1-9; DOI: 10.1007/s10803-017-3230-1
May 2017 - Pediatric Academic Society Conference and IMFAR Presentations
Sturner, R., Howard, B., Bergmann, P., Bet, K., Stewart, L., Williams, R.
Autism Screening at the 18-month Visit – Dimensional vs. Categorical Approaches of Alternative Tools,
Pediatric Academic Societies, May 2017.
Howard, B., Sturner, R. A., Vullo, G., Berger, M. Bergmann, P,
Uncovering Persistent Asthma In Child Health Supervision Visits.
Pediatric Academic Societies. May 2017
Kulandaivel, G., Vullo, G., Howard, B., Sturner, R. A., Sturner, R.
Parent Report of Perceived Barriers to Adherence to Asthma Medication
Pediatric Academic Societies. May 2017
Howard, B.J., Sturner, R., Bergmann, P. Morrel, T., An Online Tool for Documenting DSM-5 and DSM-PC Criteria for ADHD and Co-Morbid Conditions Presented at the Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, Cleveland, OH, May, 2017
Stewart, LA., Sturner, R. Howard, B.
Improving ASD Screening in Primary Care through Physician-led Quality Improvement.
IMFAR, May 2017
Glover, R., Sturner, R., Howard, B., Barry, T.,
Perceptions of the Parenting Experience Among Caregivers of Toddlers: Comparison of ASD Risk and Non-Risk Groups.
IMFAR, May 2017
Sturner, R., Howard, B., Barry, T., Glover, R., The Best and Hardest Parts of Parenting accepted for presentation at the Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics Annual Meeting. Savannah, GA, September 16-19, 2016.
Sturner, R., Howard, B., Barry, T., Glover, R. A Child s Perceived Strengths and Challenges accepted for presentation at the Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics Annual Meeting. Savannah, GA, September 16-19, 2016.
Study to be featured in the next issue of World Biomedical Frontiers because of its innovation and potential for significant impact.
Autism Screening With Online Decision Support by Primary Care Pediatricians Aided by M-CHAT/F
Raymond Sturner, Barbara Howard, Paul Bergmann, Tanya Morrel, Lindsay Andon, Danielle Marks, Patricia Rao, Rebecca Landa Pediatrics Aug 2016, e20153036; DOI: 10.1542/peds.2015-3036
The PSC-17: Subscale Scores, Reliability, and Factor Structure in a New National Sample
J. Michael Murphy, Paul Bergmann, Cindy Chiang, Raymond Sturner, Barbara Howard, Madelaine R. Abel, Michael Jellinek
Pediatrics Aug 2016, e20160038; DOI: 10.1542/peds.2016-0038
Posters Presented at The Society for Behavioral and Developmental Pediatrics Conference 2016
A Child's Perceived Strengths and Challenges
The "Best and Hardest Parts" of Parenting
Barry, T. D., Sturner, R., Seymour, K., Howard, B., McGoron, L., Bergmann, P., Kent, R., Sullivan, C., Tomeny, T. S., Pierce, J. S., Kristen L., Coln, K. L., Goodlad, J. K., and Nichole Werle, N. School-Based screening to identify children at risk for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Barriers and implications. Children’s Health Care 2016, vol. 45, no. 2, 147–171
Sturner, R . Howard, B., Afarian, B. A., McGoron, L., Albus, K. ** Spectrum of Early Childhood Mental Health Disorders: Online Parent Report in Community Pediatric Practices. Presented at AAP National Conference and in e-supplement of Pediatrics, 2015.
Sturner R., Issues in Autism Screening. Canadian Epilepsy Society, Montreal, CA. July, 2015
McGoron, L., Sturner, R., Howard, B., Barry, T. D., Seymour, K. Tomeny, T. S., Morrel, T., Ellis, B. M., Marks, D., Parents’ Goals for ADHD Care in a Clinical Pediatric Sample., Clinical Pediatrics 53, 10, 949-959., 2014
Afarian, B. A., McGoron, L., Sturner, R., Howard, B., Albus, K. Prevalence of DC:0-3R Axis I Disorders Estimated by Online Parent Report in Community Pediatric Practices. Presented at National Zero to Three meeting in Orlando, FL., Dec. 2014
Sturner, R., Howard, B., Morrel, T., Bergmann, Afarian, T. Autism screening in younger toddlers compared to order. Presented at Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, Nashville, TN, Sept., 2014
McGoron, L., Howard, B., Sturner, R., Barry, T. D., Tomeny, T., Ellis, B. Marks, D. Parents’ goals for their children with ADHD: Associations with ADHD symptoms and comorbidities. presented at Annual CHADD Conference, Nov. 2013
December 2016
CHADIS receives NICHD award aimed at reduction of child maltreatment and addressing family stress. A unique family stress "patient specific template" has been created for this purposes and is being further refined through clinical simulations with primary care pediatricians and feedback from a diverse group of parents. This module will be studied further in a large-scale cluster randomized trial. Interested practices should contact Dr. Barbara Howard at bhoward@chadis.com Click to view Family Stress Grant Summary.
CHADIS American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) Portfolio Sponsor status renewed for the Maintenance of Certification (MOC-4) program. CHADIS is unique in matching patient-generated data with prompted clinician decision making so chart reviews are not needed. Portfolio Sponsors are programs recognized as having demonstrated success in creating approved quality improvement processes for formal re-certification of specialty status and are able to create their own programs on behalf of the ABP. CHADIS offers MOC-4 for the following areas: Autism Screening; Developmental Screening; Asthma; ADHD; and Family Stress.