CHADIS & Education
Optimize your collaboration with your student’s family and healthcare providers.
CHADIS uses questionnaires to help Educators and Families communicate with Clinicians about students. All answers are confidentially delivered directly to the Clinician, in compliance with FERPA. Having both classroom and home feedback is imperative to making each student’s year a success.
For example, in a large national study, children taking medication for ADHD had half as many symptoms when dosing was based on teacher feedback compared to children of doctors prescribing the same medication with usual care. Teachers can save and print entries they make in CHADIS to place in their own school records.
Teachers receive a CHADIS invitation initiated by a student’s Family or Clinician. Teachers follow the simple instructions to register and complete CHADIS questionnaires specific to the student and provide essential input.
Safety and Security
CHADIS is fully secure and both HIPAA and FERPA compliant. Parents can sign an electronic consent form in CHADIS that educators can review and can choose to print from the system providing official permission to communicate.