Autism Use Case
Let CHADIS do all of the heavy work from gathering data to generating Autism Referrals.

Used by: Pediatricians, DBPs, Family Practice, Internal Medicine, & Behavioral Health

Respondent fills out CHADIS questionnaires.
(Self, parent/caregiver, invited teacher)
Automates the Theory of Mind questionnaire with cartoon prompts

Results are scored and delivered in real-time.
A positive M-CHAT-R triggers the minimum needed M-CHAT Follow-Up Interview questions for the provider to ask based on failed items and rescores automatically (lowers false positives by 90% at 2 years)
Q-CHAT-10- Ordinal with pictures at 16-20 months requires only 10 items. no follow-up interview, is more accurate and valid regardless of race and SES
Childhood Autism Rating Scale can be prepopulated by parent responses in red text next to items for clinician completion facilitating fast and accurate completion
Additional questionnaires for older children, monitoring, outcomes
Referral and Care Coordination
PCP Makes Referral
Choose 'Create Referral' in CHADIS
Document consent (verbal or prepopulated written consent)
Request is sent via email or efax within CHADIS
Receives comments and reports back from the referral agency.
PCP can communicate securely with the agency
Patient gets SMS message asking for feedback on referral completion, services received, ongoing need, satisfaction

Agency Receives Referral
Receive referral via email or fax
Accept or decline referral or post a comment/question to referring clinician
Online consent to contact the patient
Track appointments
Post comments and send consultation reports within CHADIS
Over 25 Autism Questionnaires