MOC Part 4 Certification
& CME Credits
Certified American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) MOC Portfolio sponsor
providing MOC-4 for psychiatrists, family medicine doctors, as well as pediatricians,
physician assistants, and Internal Medicine doctors.
Launch CHADIS as a quality improvement activity with MOC-4 built-in.
CHADIS makes it easy
No chart audit effort required
Use CHADIS and attend webinars
QI graphical feedback is automatically collected from patient-generated data and prompted doctor decisions in some cases.

CHADIS offers eight Part 4 MOC Projects
All require 3 meetings with CHADIS AMs via Zoom to review progress and problem-solve barriers to improvement; other office staff are invited and may receive CEU credits but not required. In addition to the following MOC-4 credits, CHADIS certification translates into 60 CME credits.
Autism screening in your practice - 25 credits.
Developmental screening in your practice - 25 credits.
Asthma care - 25 credits.
Family Stress care - 25 credits.
ADHD care - 25 credits.
Patient-Centered Care - 25 credits
Depression - 25 credits
Substance Use - 25 credits
Patient-Centered Care
Earn MOC-4 while you launch CHADIS. A New MOC-4 "Patient-Centered Care" can be earned beginning with the planning stage of deciding which measures to use for regular check-ups to elicit patient concerns and priorities and the related quality improvement process can be integrated into the CHADIS training/launch process.
Developmental and Autism Screening MOCs
CHADIS delivers Developmental and Autism screening to parents and caregivers before the visit. Once the questionnaires are completed, results and decision support are available immediately. Since these are routinely required or recommended screenings and CHADIS measures, tracks, and reports your results automatically, it is one of the easiest ways to earn credits toward Part 4 MOC.
Required 3-month minimum which includes:
Webinars with your CHADIS Account Manager to review CHADIS decision support tools and usage statistics.
Submission of 30 Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ-3) in CHADIS.
Submission of 30 Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers-Revised (M-CHAT-R) in CHADIS at 24-month visit and Q-CHAT-10-O for 18-month visit; or tool related to current autism screening research project (link to research project).
Administration of M-CHAT follow-up interview when appropriate.
Completion of an Introduction to Autism educational module and test at ReThinkFirst.com.
You can go over the 3-month minimum requirement as long as you meet your MOC-4 certification deadline by December. You can also complete the projects simultaneously since developmental screening and autism screening are both recommended as part of the 0-3 well visits.
Advanced Asthma, SDOH, and ADHD Care, Depression Management, and Substance Use Prevention MOCs – Patient Specific Templates (PSTs)
CHADIS can help you efficiently and effectively care for patients with Asthma, ADHD, Depression, , and Social Drivers of Health, and prevention of Substance Use, based on national guidelines. CHADIS offers advanced decision support, providing dynamic templates automatically populated with pre-visit questionnaires, guiding clinicians through customized clinical steps and shared decision-making, and generating needed treatment plans. PSTs provide clinical efficiencies including creating an encounter note from pre-visit data, as well as options for decision supports such as automatically tailored post-visit 504 Plans, IEP Letters, Asthma Action Plans, Mental Health Care Plans, notes, access to individualized “teleprompters and patient communication aids, suggestions for individualized and other resources to parents, always accessible online.
The Depression and Substance Use PST’s when prepopulated by the relevant questionnaire results write 90% of youth health supervision notes whether there is a problem with depression or substance use or not.
Learn more about the Patient Specific Templates (PST) here
Substance Use prevention
Suicide risk screening and management
Requires a 3-month minimum which includes:
Webinars with your CHADIS Account Manager to review CHADIS decision support tools and usage statistics.
Submission of topic-specific questionnaires by parents/patients in CHADIS.
Use of topic-specific Patient Specific Templates in CHADIS
Completion of topical quizzes
You can go over the 3-month minimum requirement as long as you meet your MOC-4 deadline. You can also complete the projects simultaneously.
Earn CME Credits by attending Case Conferences
This year cases shared by primary care providers with mental health consultants will be a feature and CHADIS will create an electronic care coordination connection.
Anyone is welcome to the live conference without charge or they may download the recording from the links below. The conference is sponsored by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau and CME credits, but attendance is required for CME.
See how to get 60 Category 1 CME credits for the MOC-4 Programs!