Screening Tools for Anxiety Disorders with CHADIS
Anxiety Disorders are the Most Common Mental Illness in the U.S.
18% of adults and 25% of teens suffer from anxiety
That's 40 million people – approximately the population of California
Occasional anxiety happens to everyone, but anxiety disorders involve more than a temporary worry or fear and they can get worse over time.
CHADIS has several questionnaires to screen and diagnose anxiety disorder.
GAD-7 (General Anxiety Disorder-7)
Self-reported questionnaire
7 items which measure the severity of various signs of GAD
Although designed as a screening tool for generalized anxiety, it also performs reasonably well as a screening tool for
Panic Disorder
Social Anxiety Disorder
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
Screen for Adult Anxiety Related Disorders (SCAARED)
Self-report questionnaire
Designed to access for four factors of anxiety
Generalized anxiety
Separation anxiety
Social anxiety
Each question measures the frequency or intensity
Patient Health Questionnaire 4 (PHQ-4)
4-item inventory
Rated on a 4-point Likert-type scale
Drawn from the first two items of the 'Generalized Anxiety Disorder–7 scale' (GAD–7) and the 'Patient Health Questionnaire-8' (PHQ-8)
Very brief and accurate measurement of depression and anxiety
GAD-2 (General Anxiety Disorder-2)
The first two questionnaires in the GAD-7
Like GAD-7 it is scored:
Not at all (0 points)
Several days (1 point)
More than half the days (2 points)
Nearly every day (3 points)
Screen for Child Anxiety Related Disorders (SCARED: Parent Report)
Parent reports on child
3-point Likert-type scale
Measures anxiety using four domains:
Separation anxiety
Generalized anxiety
School phobia
For ages 8-17 years
DSM-PC 5: Anxiety
Assesses DSM-5 criteria for anxiety disorders
Provides disorder, problem, and variation diagnosis
For ages 4-21 years.
For a full list of questionnaires CHADIS offers, click here.