Center for Care Innovations
Case Study: Standardizing Developmental Screening & Management for
Pediatric Patients
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Alex Tenase, MD
Lutheran Health Physicians
Warsaw, IN
“CHADIS has been my most treasured preventative and behavioral health tool and I feel compelled to share my experience whenever possible.
The pediatrician's commitment to best preventative care and screenings is undermined by the low reimbursements and lack of intervention support (well detailed in a recent Pediatric News article).
Once again, I believe that CHADIS is a great solution to such challenges once understood in a workflow and business context (we showed a 3:1 ROI in our practice). ”
Customer since 2018
CHADISDirect User
Robin Warner, MD
Union Pediatrics
Union, KY
“CHADIS generates income. It saves staff time, it saves paper, it saves printer ink, and it doesn’t tie up your room as long. I just ran my numbers from 2020, which was a slow year, and my return on investment at 140% of Medicare was eight-fold what I paid for CHADIS. So, it generates income, you get information ahead of time, which allows you better time to prepare for the visit, it allows the visit to be more directed, parents can input their concerns and you can be prepared ahead of time to address those concerns. Most of all it is better overall for the care of the patient. It is a win-win all the way around.”
Customer since 2013
PCC User
Steven Hirsch, MD
Hirsch Pediatrics
Rockville, MD
I can't imagine doing pediatrics without CHADIS!
Customer since 2015
eClinicalWorks User
Katrina Skinner, MD
President of Fairhope Pediatrics
Founder and CEO of Women in Pediatrics
Fairhope, AL
"My favorite aspect of CHADIS is the ability to customize questionnaires to meet the needs of our office and patient population. I also love its ease and functionality. I feel strongly that using CHADIS questionnaires allows patients and families the opportunity to confidentially disclose information or concerns that they may otherwise not offer up during a patient encounter or prompts evaluation of problems that they may have been unaware of. I personally have had concerns listed in CHADIS that when asked by clinic staff or a provider were denied. This electronic platform gives patients and families an outlet to disclose information safely and securely.
We are currently using data received via CHADIS questionnaires for quality improvement initiatives, quality assurance monitoring, and to meet our annual reporting requirements for our Patient-Centered Medical Home recertification. I would strongly recommend CHADIS to any pediatric health care provider looking to enhance the quality and efficiency of their health care practice."
Customer since 2013
Office Practicum User
Ari Silver-Isenstadt, MD
MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center, Baltimore, MD
Customer since 2015
CHADISDirect User
Kristi Machemer, MD
Waldorf Pediatrics,
White Plains, MD

Customer since 2015
eClincalWorks User
Joseph Hagan, MD
Editor, Bright Futures
“CHADIS finally makes Bright Futures possible.”

Dr. Walter Scott
Washington State University Psychology Clinic, Director
Professor of Psychology
Pullman, WA
As the Director of a mental health clinic, I was searching for an easy-to-use tool that would empower our clinicians to provide the highest quality of evidence-based care. CHADIS has been that tool for us. CHADIS has an immense library of measures to assess the full spectrum of mental health problems across the lifespan, for children, adolescents, and adults. CHADIS enables us to easily send these measures to our clients so that they can complete them prior to our sessions in the comfort and privacy of their own homes. The evidence shows that routinely monitoring mental health symptoms leads to more positive outcomes in and of itself. Since adopting CHADIS, we have seen a dramatic increase in the consistency with which our clients complete these measures. We know when our clients are getting well and, just as importantly, when they are not, positioning us to then provide more personalized care. I am certain our clinic would not have transitioned as well as it did to telehealth without CHADIS. And we continue to discover more ways in which CHADIS improves the quality of care we provide to our clients, including online client resources, and tools to communicate with other health providers.
Customer since 2017
CHADISDirect User
Dr. Selam Bullock
Kids' First Pediatrics
Raleigh, NC
Getting CHADIS is definitely worthwhile. If you were to take each of those questionnaires and buy them individually, at an online pre-visit basis, the cost is actually cheaper through CHADIS.
Customer since 2011
eClinicalWorks User
Becky Senesac, CPC, EFPM
Primary Care Health Partners
Williston, VT
My short time experience with CHADIS integrated has been great! It's a product that actually does what it says it will do! I am really liking this product! The discrete data elements and the ease of use have made the transition rather painless.
Dr. Jill Garripoli Pedalino
Healthy Kids Pediatrics
Nutley, NJ
I have been using CHADIS for the past few years and it has changed my practice. Thank you for that!
Customer since 2017
athenaHealth User
Janice Loeffler, MD
Valdosta, GA
CHADIS has been a really great resource for my practice. With CHADIS, I have access to a comprehensive list of screening and assessment tools. I can use the tools to accomplish multiple goals, including early screening and intervention. As a physician, I know that early intervention DOES WORK!
Retired, customer for 8 years
Dr. Robert Stephens
Cornerstone Pediatrics
Sequin, TX
CHADIS has been a great timesaver and has improved the quality of the care that I deliver in the office. I used to have a large stack of paper on my desk, of questionnaires and surveys, that needed to be scored and evaluated. With CHADIS that paper has all disappeared because the parents complete those surveys and the scoring is done automatically and is imported into Office Practicum. That benefit in and of itself is worth the investment.
Customer since 2012
Office Practicum User
Neal Halfon, MD
From his address “The Future of Pediatrics”, PAS meeting
“CHADIS is the best example of what the future of pediatrics should look like.”
Healthy Futures Pediatrics
Olympia, WA
“Dr. Lindgren’s patients access a cool web tool, called CHADIS, that allows them to help him screen for all kinds of conditions including developmental delays, behavioral issues, or even learning problems. You see, this doc is big into prevention. But it’s hard to get the info he needs in a regular office visit since parents often have their hands full with a sick child. Now his patients can be way ahead of the game and parents love it.”
Customer since 2012
CHADISDirect User
David Bergman, MD
Standford University
“CHADIS will be an important part of the future of pediatrics”